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Below video are related comments

Slideshow with 20 images -

Early slide show using "photo to movie" and links below:
Note that this is an embeded video located at
of Sammy Amsler
and is available as long as that account remains active.





***Comments on Photos ***


We started with background music to "Deep in the Heart of Texas." for slideshow of 20 images.

#1 photo dated November 1907, Samuel amsler and Brothers and Sisters, and sister in Law Sophia Flato Amsler.

Front Row Mrs. Charles Amsler jr, Mrs. Louis Philip Amsler (Sophia Flato Amsler), Mrs. Eliza Welhausen, Samuel Amsler, Mrs. Samuel Amsler,
second row: Mrs. Mamie (W) Guittard, Lena Amsler, Cleve Amsler, Ann Culpeppeer
back rows Dr. Frank Guittard, Sam H. Amsler, Baby us Sam H. Amsler Jr. 13, Mrs. Sam H. Amsler.

#2 Photo appears in flyer celebrating 100th anniversary of Flatonia in 1973. This scanned image is Flato family prior to actual pose. Sophia Flato Amsler is in the back row third from left, was talking to Harry Flato, understood to be her brother. This image was taken in 1 Jan 1898.

The picture shows 10 siblings of the Flatos. In the posed photo below, three brothers of Sophia Flato Amsler were to her right (our left) Compare first photo with the second that was the actual "posed photo”.

#3 Flato's 50th Anniversary. Group posing for photo (Sophia Flato Amsler highlighted) Using rootsweb, we found the marriage of F. W. Flato and Sophia Welhausen Flato was 1 jan 1848. Both were immigrants from Germany. So we conclude that the 50th Anniversary photo was taken on 1 Jan 1898. Re:
F. W. Flato rootsweb

Sophia Welhausen Flato rootsweb

This photo was about 7 years after death of L. P Amsler, the husband of Sophia Flato Amsler highlighted in the photo. , was about 46 years of age when the 50th Anniversary Photo was taken.
Louis. Philip .Amsler rootsweb

Sophia Flato Amsler rootsweb


1. Charles Amsler b: 1877 in Flatonia, Fayette County, Texas
2. William Tell Amsler b: 1 JUL 1880 in Flatonia, Fayette County, Texas

Sophia Flato Amsler was born in 1852 and married L. P. Amsler on 27 July 1869 at the age of 17 and was widowed 39 years later in 14 Jan 1891. in 1909 she was 57 years old when filing for pension as a widow of a confederate soldier. Her husband, L. P. Amsler enlisted when he was 16 years old in the Confederate Army. He lived to be 47 years old.

L. P. Amsler of 10th generation is described on page 54 of Amslers of Austin's Colony
Louis Philip was the fourth son of Charles Conrad and Mary (Lowenberger) Amsler, the original Amslers who settled in Texas

The image on amsler web site for Sophia Flato Amsler, page suggests that she was in her golden years when the photo was taken.
Sophia Flato Amsler is Sammy Amslers, and all his concurrent generation of first cousins, great grandmother, W. T. Amsler (Papa's Mother). L. P. Amsler was our great great grandfather

Apparently Harry Flato swapped positions with Sophia Flato between the first unposed photo to the posed one.
Standing from left to right are
Paul Flato, Henry Flato, Harry Flato,
Sophia Flato Amsler, Elize Flato, Villaret,
Oscar Flato, F. W. (Billy_ Flato, Charley Flato and seated left to right
Erma Flato Faltin, Grandpa F. W. Flato Sr, Gramdma Sophia Welhausen Flato and Alma Yeager Flato.

("This picture was taken in Shiner Texas at the Golden Wedding of the Flatos with their 10 children")
Note that the posed photo was provided by
Shelley_R._Blount when viewing the unposed image on this web site. This contribution was a scanned image from an original photo which makes this mage of much better quality than the first one that was scanned from a celebration newspaper style flyer.
The flato family page, has more detail on these image
Rootsweb shows links to rootsweb for each sibling in the photo.

#4 Postcard 4/6/10 understood to be wtitten by Sophia Flato Amsler, Papa's mother, signed card as Mama, which name we used for Mama pictured and highlighted in the photo.
Two Ladies standing are believed to be Sophia sister and her daughter. Her sister may be found to be one of those siblings described on rootsweb,

The background music changed to "Yellow Rose of Texas" as this photo is viewed.

#5 "Charo Days in Brownsville": Phil Rena, (The child held by Aunt Rena is believed to be Sherrie Amsler) Henry (appears to be pre-teen) Bill, Bobbie, Papa, Mama, Marjorie in Brownsville. Marjorie appears to be about 5. If so, photo taken about around 1936.

#6 Christmas 1939 in Luling, Tea, Rena, Mama, Lula, Dana and Marjorie (would be 8 years old in 1939.) Front entrance to house on Pecan Street in Luling during same period as the next photo of family celebrating Christmas 1939.

#7 Luling 1939 Christmas family photo. The day the horse "trigger" was introduced to Sammy. This photo was published in "Amslers of Austin's Colony")
Names under photo
L to R Standing, Philip Amsler, Leo Kurc, Lillian (Tea) Kurc, Dana Hawkins Amsler, Cora (West) Amsler, Louis Philip III, Sammy Gene (on Horse), Lula, William Tell Jr (Papa) Seated are David West, Henry Amsler, (Henry appears to be teen in this photo) Marjorie Kurc, Charles Conrad Amsler (Charlie)

#8 Juno Deer hunt believed to be taken in the 40's
Phil in back row with Aunt Tea, Dala Amsler. Mama and Papa with host inbetween the. Rena is in a sqat and David West is in plad shirt in a squatting position.

#9 Clarkwood date in the 40's. Left to right are Phil, Lula, Mama, Bobbie, Rena and Papa (W. T Amsler Sr.)

#10 Juno Bow Hunt: Phil, Papa, Rena, Mama, Louis, Marjorie as a teen, indicates this photo was taken about 1943 or 44), Leon and Tea.

#11 Family picture taken at Papa's funeral. Label indicates that it was taken in Shiner in Mar, 1952. Over lay text showing May 1952 is mislabeled.

#12 San Antonio 1965 larger family gathering opens with focus on Lula Amsler and zooms out for the group. This gathering is subsequent to death of Mama and Papa. This is also the same year Larie and I were married. Almost everyone in the family were there, These two 1965 photos probably taken by Phil as he is not in the photo, but is in one taken later with his sons that will eventually be included on web site.

#13 Larger group photo includes all of W. T. Amslers sons and daughter with their spouses and a few grandchildren and great grandchildren as well.

#14 1976 scanned image from "Amslers of Austin's Colony" showing Phil and Tea Seated and david West and Bill (W.T. Amsler Jr. standing)

#15 1977 Reunion in Austin , Phils Bow shop. We will try to identify all in the picture later and include their names here. Or if someone is willing to do that and let Sammy know, that would be great.

#16 1977 Reunion in Austin , Phils Bow shop. We will try to identify all in the picture later and include their names here. Or if someone is willing to do that and let Sammy know, that would be great.

#17 1977 Reunion in Austin , Phils Bow shop. We will try to identify all in the picture later and include their names here. Or if someone is willing to do that and let Sammy know, that would be great. Note that Uncle Phil in glasses is at extreme right and Louis was squatting on first row.

#18 1977 Reunion in Austin , Uncle Phil’s Bow shop. We will try to identify all in the picture later and include their names here. Or if someone is willing to do that and let Sammy know, that would be great. Sammy and Larie in back row. Tommy and Ron Squatting on first row. Note group was posing for photographer on the left and this one was taken from the side.

#19 2007 reunion in Shiner. Gayle Minear and her husband were very gracious, showing us around Shiner after the lunch gathering.

#20 2008 reunion in Columbus Texas.

#21 Blank Page for 2009
Note: above copied to amslergroupsslideshow.html

Continued with link to 2009 Reunion

2009 Reunion




for more info on Sophia Flato Amsler, Sammy Amsler and first cousins Great Great Grandmother. W.T. Amsler Sr.'s mother.

<sidebar comments>

Three sound tracks from Texas songs used in this slideshow. Just search for "Texas Songs." This wmv plays automatically as a slideshow

The photos in slideshow range from late 19th century up to recent times.

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Source for this slideshow: amslergroupslideshow7.wmv

Revised 05/28/2009 - 02/06/2020, 202104009153 samtexviews

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