This reunion was thought to have been in Phil's archery shop in Austin, but the first photo indicates the gathering was in Yoakum Texas. During late 70's several reunions were held. So we are uncertain about the location: From left to right in back row is Kathryn, and Bill, In front of Bill is Bobbie and Marjorie with her daughter seated. We do not recognize the children, but recognize Tommy with his wife and son at extreme right. At extreme left bottom row appears to be Tommy's Brother. The woman next to him is not identified. If you recognize by name those in the photo that are not shown below image, let Sammy know so that the names can be matched with those in the photos. Sammy and Larie can be seen in last photo.
In front row is Ron, Donna, Eric, Tom and Marilyn
In the second row are children not identified.
In back row is Kathryn, Bobbie, Bill, Marjorie and her daughter.
First row left to right, Donna, Tommy, Marilyn, Eric,
next row fourn unknow children with Marjorie's daughter sitting
next row is Aunt Bobbie and Marjorie talking, and Aunt T is looking off.
Back row is Marlyn, Bill, Bates and Son.
In front Row, Donna, Tommy. and Marilyn and Ron
in second row seated are four children
in next row is Bobbie, kathryn, Marjorie & Bates
son, Marjorie's daughter in front of Aunt T, and
Dana Amsler
In the back row is Bill, Marjorie's Husband, Bates, next in back
row three unknowns
Aunt Tea, West, Sammy and Larie Amsler
First row left to right, Donna (pointing) Tommy (Smiling) Marilyn, and Ron (looking back. next row four unknown children with Marjorie's daughter sitting next row is Kathryn and Marjorie (smiling), Bates son, and Aunt T is laughing, Dana, Laire and Sammy.
Back row are two unknowns with David West looking at camera.
First row left to right, Donna,Tommy
(Smiling) Marilyn holding Eric, Louis. next row four
unknown children with Marjorie's daughter sitting next
row is Bobbie, with Marjorie almost hidden behind her
daughter, Aunt T, Dana, Larie, and phil Back row is
Kathryn, Bill, Bates and son, two unknowns, Sammy and
behind phil, West
In front Row, Donna, Tommy and Marilyn and Ron in second row seated are four children in next row is Bobbie, kathryn, Marjorie & Bates son, Marjorie's daughter in front of Aunt T, and Dana Amsler In the back row is Bill, Marjorie's Husband, Bates, next in back row three unknowns and Aunt Tea, West, Sammy and Larie Amsler