Family reunion in San Antonio Texas City Park across from the zoo in summer of 1965. Most of the Amsler family gathered at the park and many rode the minature railroad. Examine the names listed below photo and if you recognize by names of unknowns or corrections for this list let Sammy know so that the names can be matched with those in the photos. The date was around July of 1965.
On the first row from left to right Majorie's daughtere, Marjorie, her husband, Bill, and Bobbie, and Leon Kurk in blue plat shirt. Names of Children and woman on extreme right is one of Leon and Tea's daughter with her daughter in red plad. In the Back row is Dana Amsler looking to her left, Lula, Sammy and Larie, Jeannie and Tea, behind Tea, unknown, next lady unknown, and David West Amsler and Kathrun Amsler, Louis's wife at extreme right
reunion1965 Photos also available at:
Below is Uncle Phil with his boys and Uncle Charlie with Charlie Junior
Seated is Louis Amsler with his boys, Phil Amsler, Charlie Jr and Charlie Amsler extreme right.
Seated is Bobbie Amsler,
daughters of Jeannie to right and left of Bobbie, Leon Kurk facting toward Bobbie.
Back row is Larie and Sammy Amsler, Kathryn Amsler, Aunt Tea, Lula Amsler, man with hands folded unkown and extreme right is David West Amsler.