Amsler family reunion for 2011
attended by 12 adults and granddaughter of Jeannine
on Saturday June 11th. at Werner's Steakhouse 317 N Avenue E. Shiner, Texas 77984
Back Row:
Debra's husband Paul, Debra's son David , Debra (Amsler) Atherton, Kathryn, Dean and Gayle Minear
Front Row:
Sherry Shaw, Bob, Sammy, Larie, Debra's daughter Christina, and Jeannine Hamman and granddaughter.
We are working on further editing of the following notes, but have decided to post these drafted notes of family gathering June 11, 2011 and return later for editing.
Notes: Larie and I departed from Austin at 8:46 and arrived in Shiner about 10:40 and met Bob right off. Then Tom and Kathryn, and the rest of the family including Gayle Minear and her son Dean. Dean had visited the original town were Carl Conrad Amsler left to immigrate to the United States and eventually settled in Cat Spring in Austin's Colony in 1834. Dean Minear displayed most interesting large prints of his trip to home town of Carl Conrad Amsler in Switzerland. Debra (Amsler)Atheron loaned two books of interest that she found on an internet site, The Cat Spring Story, Cat Spring Agricultural Society and Century of Agricultural Progress 1856-1956.. I have on loan from Debra, Cat Spring Agricultural Society book, to gather additional material for the web site. Werniers steakhouse was most accommodating and one of the waitresses took a range of family photos. The meal and service was fantastic. We arranged for special group tour of Shiner Museum whee we found a Shiner history book describing Charlie Amsler, druggist in Shiner in years past. Virginia Helweb, Assistant Curator of Edwin Wolters Memorial Museum graciously opened the museum for our family gathering and we viewed many interesting artifacts of times past, including a book, Shiner - The First Hundred Years 1887-1987 where we managed to obtain copy of story related to Charles Amsler who had a drug store in Shiner.
The following article commenting on Charles Conrad Amsler was scanned by Assistant Curator which is shown below. First is our extract followed by link
to that document:
Select above image for full page viewof the Museum document. Larie and I had to return to Austin, leaving Shiner about 2:30 and by 4:30 after 8 miles on the toll road 130 we turned west on Palmer lane on the last leg home. Larie and I immensely enjoyed the family gathering in Shiner. In a check off list of names from last year's gathering we asked about the week preferred for next year and comments were 2nd or 3rd weekend. Since 3rd Weekend is on Father's day it appears most are in agreement on the second Saturday in June, which is the date we are planning for 2012. We appear to be in agreement to meet in Flatonia for 2012 Debra has an interest in considering Cat Spring for 2013. So, Lord Willing, maybe we can plan on Cat Spring for 2013. A few years back we met in Columbus and drove to Cat Spring as Columbus restaurant offered a section of the dining room for us. Debra mentioned Carols, but in checking their web site it appears that Carols serve only evening meals. I remember when our group drove to Cat Spring from Columbus that Carols was closed in early afternoon. If anyone can find a nearby place to meet near Cat Spring, let us know. Hempstead is 25 miles from Cat Spring and Columbus is 38 miles. Sealy is only 12 miles. Tony's Family Restaurant looks interesting and prices are reasonable. Looks like a great place to eat when viewing its web site, that is if you are not on a diet.. : ) We surveyed numerous places on the web and there are a many choices in Sealy. May when the time comes we can find a restaurant that will furnish a separate room for us. However that may be difficult with only a dozen people.
We were offered special showing of the Museum in Flatonia earlier and we will contact the Flatonia museum again for a 2012 special family showing (a lot of history regarding the Flatos) We will contact with the representative of E. A Arbun Archives and Museum at PO Box 401 W North Main St, Flatonia Texas 78941 (from envelope dated 17 June 2009) in which the museum provided a copy of The La Grange Journal dated Jan 20, 1989. Hopefully we will be able to make special arrangements for another group showing at the museum in Flatonia. Some may be interested in visiting Amsler/Cora Amsler's grave site
while we are in Flatonia. I am not sure who else is buried there, but I suspect that some of the Flato family graves may be found there.
No one at the gathering requested copy of digitized "Amsler's of Austin's Colony. There was a request for list of those attending, which we will acknowledge by transmitting the list by email. At least three cameras were used for taking photos of immediate family groups before photos were taken of the whole group. When you read this let us know if you are willing to share images. If so, please contact Sammy (address/phone number on list attending that will be distributed to everyone who attended by email or by "snail mail" : )
"The Cat Spring Story" (1956 out of print) on loan to Sammy by Debra has some content on the Amslers, especially in "The Roll Call" page 21, which I have scanned for posting to web site as well as make copies for distribution in 2011. Material was also found on the Amslers in a book at the Shiner museum which will be copied and displayed on this page. We will research the Library of Congress to seek out this book availability there. Of special interest on page 21 of this book is section on amslers..showing Sam Amsler married Merle Culpepper, moved to McGreggor, Texas, and operated a lumber yard. That explains our family relationships to Amslers in McGreggor. Has anyone heard of Culpepper Land and Cattle Company? One of the names listed indicates roots in Hempstead texas. Note scanned page below:
The Cat Spring Story: Cat Spring Agricultural Society .. "The Roll Call, page 21-22 with information I did not recognized from Amsler's of Austin's Colony. But I will compare and see how the account of Amsler family is similar or different fro the book, Amslers of Austin's Colony.... I thought I would google the book and found The Cat Spring Story..; Description of these books are shown Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
Other books include :
In examining this book we find original charter member names June 7, 1857 included Chas Amsler, M. Amsler, Fritz Amsler. As I scanned the meeting notes, in Meeting, May 23, 1858 there is mention of Charles Amsler... Meeting notes of Aug 22, 1858 names in "distribution of seed": C Amsler, C Amsler jr, M Amsler, F. amsler. I believe that to be Fitz Amsler. "M" could be Marcus?
In scanning remainder of the book, it seems as time passes fewer references to any Amsler.
March 4, 1860 is "nomination of Mr. Welhausen, Jr. for membership was objected to because it was
not in accordance with the constitution. Mr Chas Amsler, Jr.made application for membership in
the Society
Meeting of April 1, 1860 C. Welhausen, Jr. and Ch Amsler, jr., wsd accepted as member of the
Examining the meeting notes beyond 1861 (start of civil war) failed to reflect any additional notations of Amslers in the minutes. The first occasion in the notes is on page 30 General Assembly July 6 1862.. ..These were the objectives of the German speaking pioneer settlers in the Stephen F Austin colony and of the 40 founders of this Society. Some of the members were also veterans of the wars for Texas Independence and for Freedom from Oppression.
As result of reading portions of Century of Agricultural Progress 1856-1956 and the Cat
Spring Story, we have decided to create a page focusing on Cat Spring and include links to
and from other mentions of Cat Spring on the web site and in the book, Amslers of Austin's
Colony and the Cat Springs Story
Reunion 2010
Amsler family reunion for 2010 attended by about 18 on Saturday June 26th.
at Chilis, 5004 N.Navarro, Victoria, Texas.
Several maps and links are shown below:
When you view this image send me a note if I have left anyone out of the listed names below
On the first row, left to right are Sammy
Amsler, Courtney and Reilly Amsler, Eric's wife and daughter, Debra
(Henry's daughter), Lori Amsler then Debra,. behind Debra is her
daughter, then Kathryn Amsler and Bob Amsler, Sherry Amsler, and
her daughter, Rebecca Shaw and extreme right is Philip Guittard.
The remainder of the back row is Eric Amsler (holding Lori's son), Tommy
Amsler and his daughter Mindi and son of Debra Atherton
Another view:
The above photo and other images will be uploaded to should you like to order extra prints
(This photo also included Debra's husband immediately behind her) .
Note: We are preparing to ship the Amsler book off for digitizing as on PDF document that will enable quick searches within the book itself. Another advantage of having the book in PDF format is that it enables printing of any page or pages. We understand we do not have a copyright problem unless we were selling the dvds. So, family members can also duplicate the DVD to pass on to other family members.
"The Amslers of Austin's Colony" book is out of print, but can still be found in Library of Congress,
Houston Library and one or two other libraries. I (Sammy) contacted the Library of Congress to ask if the book had been digitized as Google is working on digitizing out of print books. But, since the response was that this had not yet been done, I found a company that scans and digitizes books. When the DVD's are done I will send one to each one who signed the sign in sheet at Chilies. If you did not sign the sheet, send me e-mail at on the home page. This page's link is at bottom of this page.
Closer view
Street view
Amsler Family Reunion for 2009 took place at 12:00 noon in Port Lavaca's Johnny Carinos Restaurant 4904 N. Navarro, Victoria Texas
About eleven folks, including two young ones gathered in Victoria:
Back row from left to right is Tommy Amsler and his daughter and son.
Front row from left to right is Buddy and Gayle Minear, Kathryn Amsler, Sammy and Larie Amsler, Courtney and Reilly Amsler, Eric's wife and daughter.
2009 Reunion at Johnny Carinos Restaurant in Port Lavaca
Click on image to view album of photos for 6/20/09
2008 Reunion Columbus Texas
2008reunionP614-031.JPG2007 Reunion Werner's Steak House, Shiner, Texas
All reunion images available at:
Revised 06/25/2009 12/16/2011, 12/19/2011, 12/20/2011, 12/31/2011, 01/10/2012