This Photo from "Amslers of Austin's Colony, Page 92:
Continued) 93: THREE (b=. 1907; d 12 May 1973, Travis County , Texas.
"Phil was an agent telegrapher during his active business life,
starting in 1918 at Galveston for Santa Fe Railroad.
He worked quite a long time for the San Antonio and Aransas Pass Railroad until
it was taken over by the Southeren Pacific, by which line he was employed during
the majority of his career.
As a sideline Phil operated an archery range and supply store (first in Brownsville,
then at Llano, and later in Austin Texas.) Since his retirement from telegraphy he and his son Louis have developed
that sideline into a prosperous business "a) (At the time of publishing Amsler's of Austin Colony Phil Amsler and Louis Amsler were still with us. (Both have since passed away) |
LPAMSLER-12TH Generation: |