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Four Brothers marched to war:

Quoted from “Amslers of Austin's Colony”, Page 35-36:

“One can well imagine the agony with which Mrs. Mary Amsler saw four sons march away to war, especially since Philip was only 16when he left.    But her worry about the safety of here sons eventually turned to pride in their bravery and loyalty to their native state.   (Many Texans of Swiss and German heritage did not feel called to join the Confederacy.)

Samuel left home first, entering the military service of the Confederacy in the summer of 1861 and marching with Sibley's Brigade to New Mexico.   After the battles of Valverede and Glorieta, and after the suffering and deprivations of the return march to San Antonio, these soldiers were given a short furlough a home.   Then Sam reported as directed to Tom Green's Brigade of cavalry and participated in the recapture of Galveston and Louisiana campaign.   After fights at Franklin, Mansfield, Yellow Bayou, etc. the regiment was informally disbanded on 20 May 1865.

Charles Jr. did not have to leave his young bride and go into the militia camp near Houston until 1863.   He had kept the home fires burning' by operating a grist mill and aiding the Confederate commissary until that time, and was never subjected to hazardous service.   (Charles Jr. was my grandfather, William Tell Amsler's, uncle)

(Descendants of Charles Conrad and Mary Amsler in November 1907 photo below) John and Louis Philippe (referred to in family letters as Philip but signed himself L.P.) seem to have been in the same unit-and Infantry Company in Waul's Legion, organized in Brenham in the summer of 1862. They were marched through Louisiana into Mississippi and were captured a few days after Vicksburg fell on 4 July 1863. Ultimately they were taken to Fort Delaware (called 'the worst of the Northern prisons' by one author) on an island near Delaware City, and not released until 9 June 1865 (pension application papers of Mrs. Sophia Amsler, Texas State Archives.) (Sophia Amsler was my Grandfather's mother)

It has been written that all the Amsler brothers were at home by July 4th, 1865. In order to get home in less that a month, the Amslers must have availed themselves of a service offered by the Federal government, by applying to the nearest Provost Marshal, released prisoners could get a free pass on the railroad to the railhead nearest their home. In the case of Texans, that point may have been New Orleans, from which city they would proceed by boat. It is possible that John and Philip landed at Matamoras and went over to Palminto Ranch (east of Brownsville) to view the site of the last land engagement of the Civil War. Philip's grandson (Phil Amsler of Austin) in 1976 had a vague recollection of hearing that they participated in that skirmish, but since it occurred 11 May 1865 and they were not released until June 9th, that tradition seems to be inaccurate.

In the “Torch's Final Flare,” Mary L. Amsler's grandson wrote that two of the boys returned on the 4th of July 1865, but( Continued on page37 below )

(Continued paragraph to page 38)..never was disputed “ Charles Jr. was left in charge of his father's many entereprises when the latter went abroad several times....”


The above photo shows Mrs. Charles Amsler Jr. in the first row on the far left. Her husband, Charles died 26 March 1891 So, Julia (Meyer) Amsler was a a widow when this 1907 photo was taken. She was born in 20 February 1844 She died 15 Nov 1934.

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