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Amsler lineage from 1st to 8th generation:

I. Ulrich married Katharina rimiker (1)
1. Originally Riniker, meaning one from Riniken. This family had civic rights (1666) in Schinznach and Hapsburg.
II. Ulrich married Anna Deubelbeiss (2)

2. Deubelbeiss is the Germanized form of the Swiss name Dubelbyss, meaning one bitten by the devil, a family (extinct since 1715) from the city of Bern.
III. Ulrich married Barbara Zulauf (3)

3. Zulauf means the runaway slave who seeks refuge
IV. Hans Ulrich married Barbara Kloeiti (4)

4. Kloti is a very old family that is documented in the city of Zurich since the 14th century.   The name literally means a clumsy, awkward, plump person.
V Hans George married Susanna Steiner (5)

5. Steiner could be (1) one who lives on or near a rock;   (2) one who sets stone markers in the fields;  (3) possibly from the form Steimer = given name "Stainmer."
VI Hans married Verena Amsler (6)

6. An Amsler was one who trapped and sold Amels (blackbirds.)
VI Johannes married Elisabeth Hildbold (7)

7. One many spellings derived from the given name Hilboldt = "Hildbald."
VII Hans Ulrich married Barbara Schaffneer (8)

8. From schaffenaere, schaffer = a supervisor, organizer, administrator in a position of trust;  one who may order people around.

The information on the derivation of these name comes form Walter Angst, our Swiss-born consultant on matters pertaining to Switzerland.
Amslers of Austin's Colony."

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