This Photo from "Amslers of Austin's Colony, Page 92:
Photo: Christrmas 1939 Luling, TX
Above photo of Amsler family in family gathering at Christmas of 1939 at home of David West Amsler/Dana Amsler on Pecan Street in Luling Texas> All of the family is represented in this photo with exception of Bill Amsler, his wife, and children. who can be viewed at Bill/Bobbie Amsler and family..
1939 photo of wives on front porch of David and Dana's home on Pecan Street, Luling, Texas
From left to right are: Lilian (Tea) Kurc, Rena Amsler (Phil Amsler's wife,,
Mama (Cora Amsler- W. T. Amsler's wife), Lula Amsler (Charlie's wife), Dana Amsler (David West's wife)
and young girl about 8 years of age is Majorie Kurk, Lilian's daughter.