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Karl Konrad Amsler Memorial

Alamo Long Building Museum

On November 24, 2011 Tommy Amsler and Sammy Amsler after lunch at the Mengers dining room. We visited the museum in the long (barrack) building to examine a Plaque listing Charles Conrad Amsler participating in Siege of Bexar.

BEXAR, SIEGE OF.The siege of Bexar (San Antonio) became the first major campaign of the Texas Revolution. *From October until early December 1835 an army of Texan volunteers laid siege to a Mexican army in San Antonio de Béxar.* After a Texas force drove off Mexican troops at Gonzales on October 2, the Texan army grew to 300 men and elected Stephen F. Austin commander to bring unity out of discord.
What may have happened if Charles Konrad Amsler had not got sick and discarged from his unit?
Most of the men in Charles Konrad's unit fought in The siege of Bexar in Dec 1835 were lost in The Battle of the Alamo (February 23 - March 6, 1836)
*Had Charles Konrad not become sick* he would have have most likely perished at the Alamo. Louis Philippe Philip, fourth son of Charles Conrad and Mary (Lowenberger) Amsler, would not have been born on 25 Jly 1845. Neither would Charles Konrad's Other siblings:. Charles b 12 july 1836 John b 11 Feb 1839 Samuel 7 Oct 1841, Eliza b 5 Oct 1843. Neither would all of their decendants.

The photo of Charles Amsler's name on the plaquewas not very clear in the following photo as photo was hurried. but at least we found the plaque showing Charles Amsler's name on the list of participantsin the battle. Although not too clear are names with and asterisk (*) for those who died at the Alamo. Charles Conrad Amsler would have been one of those if he had not taken ill and was granted a medical discharge (References in Amslers of Austin's Colony)


Thanks to Robert Amsler in Dallas area for Roster and from Debbie Amsler Atherton a clear image of the Plaque.
The roster is shown below:

formerly a barrack for the Alamo) shows Charles G Amsler's name. This is believed to be names of Seige of Bexar Muster Roll of Capt Yorks co. volunteers, , while in the army befpre bexar 1835. The Alamo (long building - formerly a barrack for the Alamo) shows Charles G Amsler's name.
This is believed to be names of Seige of Bexar Muster Roll of Capt Yorks co. volunteers, while in the army befpre bexar 1835." long building - formerly a barrack for the Alamo) shows Charles G Amsler's name. This is believed to be names of Seige of Bexar Muster Roll of Capt Yorks co. volunteers, while in the army befpre bexar 1835."

The muster roster, thanks to Robert Amsler of Dallas:

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I researched the plaque and found austintxgensoc.org page in pdf format that included the following:

"Amsley, C h a r l e s [ n o t on D e t a i l e d R e p o r t ] - C h a r l e s Amsler - Don
C e r t - 640 a - 1 7 Aug 1840 - S i e g e o f Bexar - 640 a C o l o r a d o Cty p t d
t o h im 25 Jan 1 8 4 9 . . l l Bty Wnt - 320 a - 1 3 Dec 1837 - s e r v 2 8 Nov
1835 t o 2 3 J a n 1836 - p t d t o a s g n i n 1 8 5 0 .
t h e company o f C a p t . J o h n M . F i s h e r , b u t a t t a c h e d h i m s e l f t o Y o r k ' s
company when Ben M i l a m c a l l e d f o r v o l u n t e e r s t o s t o r m t h e town--Ams-
l e r s o f A u s t i n ' s Colony, compi l ed by Amanda H . Ams l e r , p p . 2 3 - 2 9 7 " * Note mispelling of "Amsley" instead of Amsler.

Historical Background



"BEXAR, SIEGE OF. The siege of Bexar (San Antonio) became the first major campaign of the Texas Revolution. From October until early December 1835 an army of Texan volunteers laid siege to a Mexican army in San Antonio de Béxar. After a Texas force drove off Mexican troops at Gonzales on October 2, the Texan army grew to 300 men and elected Stephen F. Austin commander to bring unity out of discord. The Texans advanced on October 12 toward San Antonio, where Gen. Martín Perfecto de Cos recently had concentrated Mexican forces numbering 650 men. Cos fortified the town plazas west of the San Antonio River and the Alamo, a former mission east of the stream...."

Alwyn Barr, Texans in Revolt: The Battle for San Antonio, 1835 (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1990).

Siege of Bexar
(December 1835)

"In December of 1835, San Antonio de Bexar was under the control of Mexican General Perfecto de Cos with about 1200 soldiers from Mexico. For almost two months, Texas volunteers had camped near the town in a virtual standoff with Cos. The stalemate ended, however, when one of the Texas leaders, Ben Milam, returned from a brief absence to find that the Texans were about to withdraw to Goliad...

"When Col. Benjamin Milam called for volunteers to storm the town, Charles Amsler was among those who stepped forward...Charles entered the Federal Army of Texas on 28 November and was discharged on 13 Dec 1835,


Charles Konrad also volunteered to join a Matamoros Expedition
and received an honorable discharge after six weeks of service.

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Who was Benjamin Milan? Answer

What was The Siege of Bexar? Answer

How to Join the Sons of the Republic of Texas


"Who Will Go With Old Ben Milam Into San Antonio?"

By Franklin Hal

Other references:

Frontier Times Magazine is most interesting for history buffs!
German Immigration To Texas By J. Marvin Hunter.

That account offers detailed history concerning the German colonists who came early to Texas and became an integral part of the citizenship of the Republic, and later the State of Texas Mentions: Amsler

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Revised 12/16/2011, 12/19/2011, 06/24/12, 06/10/21