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The Amsler, a family of Schinznach, Switzerland

Ancient plaque
The size of the stone slab is approximately 7 ft. by 3 ft.

Die Inschrift lautet:

Hr. Johan Heinrich Ambsler ligt hie begraben: Statschreiber zugleich Stathalter Ambt getragen. Sein müesal Leben wert bey 49. Jar, den 1. Jan, gotselig entschlafen war: 1680 unser Wandel ist Himmel, von dannen wir warten unsers Heren Jesu Christ, welcher unser nichtige Liebe (Leib) verkleren wirt, das si enlich werden sinem verklerten Lib: Phil 3 Veronica Eggli sin Gmahlin bereit den Stein zu ehren im und wil das dieser si auch dek bis bede got zum leben wek.

Translation of the Inscription:

Mr. Johan Heinrich Ambsler is buried here: Head of the city office and governor of Aarau. His arduous life lasted 49 years, he passed away on January 1st, 1680 Our citizenship is in heaven, and we await our saviour from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body: Phil 3. Veroncia Eggli, his wife is prepared to honor this stone and wishes to be covered by the same stone until god awakens both of them.

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